Buyrun&Welcome Abroad -Beta Versiyon

Workstation Chronicles okul projelerinin, ödevlerinin toplanıp sunulduğu, tutorial'ımsı örneklerin bulunduğu, absürtlüklerin de barındığı kişisel bir blog/sitedir.

Kısacası ben, büyük, resimli ve interaktif bir cv diyorum. Hoşgeldiniz.

Workstation Chronicles is a gigantic interactive cv where you can see&download the works and projects. And we have a secret doorway that leads to a very funny place.

For further details click here.

May the force be with you.

2 Mart 2010 Salı

About Projects&Works

Here I give some of the projects and homeworks that I have done during my study in Yeditepe University. This message is from future.

As seen these works are about everything. In our undergraduate life time, we dealed with every kind of projects: Web based projects, database projects, online projects, graphical projects, artificial intelligence projects, system programming projects, microprocessor projects; using techonologies like C, C++, Java, assembly, shell, php, html, jsp, mysql, OpenGl and many more, either in Linux or in Windows...

There are numerous works we have done and I can't add all of them here. Yet a good part of these are downloadable.

I don't take any responsibility for the bad use of these projects. I add them as tutorials because If I had such examples before doing these projects, I would have done better, and I add them to show what I am capable of. And also I admit that these projects and works are among the best ones in their time, at Yeditepe. Don't you cry baby.

I will continue to add other projects by time. Until then, enjoy.

24 Mayıs 2008 Cumartesi

EON Studio -Interactive Project

Click to run the interactive demo. (Only for Internet Explorer!)

If there is an error like "scrchpg.dll not found, you can download it and put into the Windows/System32 and then run the application.

scrchpg.dll bulunamadı hatası veriyorsa aşağıdaki linkten dosyayı çekip Windows/System32 içine atarak programı çalıştırabilirsiniz.

Click to download .dll

1 Mart 2008 Cumartesi

Computer Graphics -CSE 483 Works

Computer Graphics works are focused on OpenGL programming.

In this specific environment, C is used and all the graphical operations are done with OpenGL.

This, headless and brainless robot, application has:

-Mouse + keyboard controls
-Chasing camera and static camera options
-Poor 3d environment
-Robot with both 3d arms controllable.
-3 different lightning models, one is directional spotlight which can be controlled with the mouse.
-Blended textures
-Help menu

To download the executable

Here, a simple (unbelievably simple) collision detection is implemented. Ball comes from random directions and if it hits the table, it richocets from the table.

25 Şubat 2008 Pazartesi

Microprocessors & Microcontrollers -CSE 412 Project


-Aim is to develop an embedded real-time clock with temperature sensor, using the MSP 430.169 Ultra Low Power microcontroller. The embedded code that will be developed will generate the second, minute, hour, day of the week, day of month, month and the year information. It will also measure the temperature. The same embedded code will send all these information to a PC application. The PC application will display all these information on a window.

-C is used for the embedded code. The IR Embedded Workbench is used for the environment. Java is used for the computer handling part.

-The communication between the computer and MSP 430 is done using the serial port. (RS232)


This group project is done with Gökay Kayış. Actually the abstract is very detailed, yet more detail is given in the downloadable file. Just don't forget to glance into the readme.txt and rapor.doc.

An important point is that this kind of embedded projects are not common in Java, but in C#. You can find lot's of material for C# but for Java, that is not so easy. Dowloadable file consists of all external files, explanations and codes to connect a microcontroller or other devices to your computer via serial port.

Download the project

31 Ocak 2008 Perşembe

Data Comm. & Computer Networks -CSE 471 Project

The purpose of this Java project is to develop a short message program with a centralized list of users/attendees.

Actually this was a group project but I decided to hang out solo.

The design is based upon a server/client relationship. An always-on server, which has an ability to serve multi-users on the same time using threads, runs on a machine and different clients at different locations connect to that server via net.

The application is mainly based on offline messaging so it stores the messages in a database. When a client decides to read his/her message, the message in the database deletes by the application automatically. Also, not opening a pop up conversation window just like the instant messengers does not mean that the program can't be used as an online messanger. The message arrives to destination when the receiver is whether online or offline. If the receiver checks his/her message box, the new message header will be seen there. It's the receiver's decision to read the message or does not.

The program uses only UDP sockets and the reason is that it is wanted in this way by the instructor. Although it is normal to use UDP sockets when sending and receiving messages, the login and register procedures should have been implemented with TCP sockets. Hence I implemented these parts with the logic of TCP socket transmission, but using UDP sockets.

But timers -to understand if a packet is lost or not- is not implemented so the program should crash if a packet losts through it's way. Hence this beta version is only fully guaranteed when it is used in a LAN.

The program engine is implemented in a way that new features can be inserted easily. So the program is very open to improvement.

Here are some screenshots of Blue Messanger Beta. You can also download the code from the link below.

As seen, the design is very simplified and user friendly for a course project. And the tones of blue is used as the title implies.

What should have been added to make the beta a full version?

-timers for UDP sockets
-pop up windows like in the instant messengers
-some code improvements
-an option to send a message to any user using a web site, without using the client application.

To download the project

30 Ocak 2008 Çarşamba

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence -CSE 462 Works

AI works are generally focused on AI. (hehe)

We had a glimpse on AI, what kind of aproaches are used and how it can be programmed in the games. Along with Computer Graphics, this course was a good way towards the game programming.

Here I give a simple chasing game-like. We have 4 polices (A, B, C, D) and 1 thief (Y) on a 8*8 game board. Every creature has 1 turn and the purpose is as the thief escapes, polices chase him. Thief moves randomly or reads the movements from a txt file. Polices have their own AI. They move generously stupid.

Some details:

-Used C.
-Depth first search is used. For the police that has the turn, a search tree is created to a specified depth level and due to the evolution function, best state is chosen. Then the first move that leads to that best state is taken as that turn's move. Search tree is destroyed to be reconstructed for another police for another turn.
-Game board is implemented flexible. It can be rearranged, for example obstacles can be put or OpenGL functions can be easily implemented to show it graphically.
-More details in report.txt

To download

Software Engineering -CSE 344 Project


-implementing Relationship Management, an IBM Project.

-in an online environment, adjusting the contacts and projects.

-Html, Java, Jsp, JavaBean, Mysql technologies are used.


This IBM project is -actually- very detailed and we took two parts of it. My group friend took the "contact manager" part and I took the "project manager" part. I am unable to give all the codes. So it is pointless to give the project manager's codes since the project is integrated.

All the codes are written in Java. Online services are coded using Jsp and JavaBean. Mysql is used for database operations.

Project manager is a person who logins to the system and controls the projet overflow. She can add new projects, edit them, delete them, adjust employees and managers of projects, and incredibly, can logoff!

Ain't it magnificent? Of course not.

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-bill (gates): oh my god!

-cse yeditepe: Bundan akademik bir site bulamazsınız!

-kasvetkale: Bizim siteden daha hüzünlü :(

-yıldırım demirören: Chronicles masaya yumruğunu vurdu.