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Workstation Chronicles okul projelerinin, ödevlerinin toplanıp sunulduğu, tutorial'ımsı örneklerin bulunduğu, absürtlüklerin de barındığı kişisel bir blog/sitedir.
Kısacası ben, büyük, resimli ve interaktif bir cv diyorum. Hoşgeldiniz.
Workstation Chronicles is a gigantic interactive cv where you can see&download the works and projects. And we have a secret doorway that leads to a very funny place.
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May the force be with you.
Kısacası ben, büyük, resimli ve interaktif bir cv diyorum. Hoşgeldiniz.
Workstation Chronicles is a gigantic interactive cv where you can see&download the works and projects. And we have a secret doorway that leads to a very funny place.
For further details click here.
May the force be with you.
25 Şubat 2008 Pazartesi
Microprocessors & Microcontrollers -CSE 412 Project
-Aim is to develop an embedded real-time clock with temperature sensor, using the MSP 430.169 Ultra Low Power microcontroller. The embedded code that will be developed will generate the second, minute, hour, day of the week, day of month, month and the year information. It will also measure the temperature. The same embedded code will send all these information to a PC application. The PC application will display all these information on a window.
-C is used for the embedded code. The IR Embedded Workbench is used for the environment. Java is used for the computer handling part.
-The communication between the computer and MSP 430 is done using the serial port. (RS232)
This group project is done with Gökay Kayış. Actually the abstract is very detailed, yet more detail is given in the downloadable file. Just don't forget to glance into the readme.txt and rapor.doc.
An important point is that this kind of embedded projects are not common in Java, but in C#. You can find lot's of material for C# but for Java, that is not so easy. Dowloadable file consists of all external files, explanations and codes to connect a microcontroller or other devices to your computer via serial port.
Download the project
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-bill (gates): oh my god!
-cse yeditepe: Bundan akademik bir site bulamazsınız!
-kasvetkale: Bizim siteden daha hüzünlü :(
-yıldırım demirören: Chronicles masaya yumruğunu vurdu. Bizim site kadar iyi! Her gün mutlaka bir doz Workstation okuyorum.
-hü Şok! Chronicles açıldı! Çıplak resimler için tıklayınız.
-bill (gates): oh my god!
-cse yeditepe: Bundan akademik bir site bulamazsınız!
-kasvetkale: Bizim siteden daha hüzünlü :(
-yıldırım demirören: Chronicles masaya yumruğunu vurdu.
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