Buyrun&Welcome Abroad -Beta Versiyon

Workstation Chronicles okul projelerinin, ödevlerinin toplanıp sunulduğu, tutorial'ımsı örneklerin bulunduğu, absürtlüklerin de barındığı kişisel bir blog/sitedir.

Kısacası ben, büyük, resimli ve interaktif bir cv diyorum. Hoşgeldiniz.

Workstation Chronicles is a gigantic interactive cv where you can see&download the works and projects. And we have a secret doorway that leads to a very funny place.

For further details click here.

May the force be with you.

28 Ocak 2008 Pazartesi


Workstation Chronicles is created for and by a part of my divided personality, exactly for the part that is conquered by computer engineering. This part hungers for computers (mostly for computer games), technology (mostly for the components that require to run a new game), code writing (mostly for the codes to design a game) and many more things that I won't write here and the reason is not that I don't remember them.

Anyway, the long and the short of it, I am a student of COMPUTER ENGINEERING at Yeditepe University and by the end of the term, I will be level up with the title going from "undergraduate" to "no more undergraduate and you will never be free again".

Of course, I have to admit that, I know the computers are no more about computer games and computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. (I think I remember this from somewhere, let's say from the quotes of Edsgar W. Dijkstra :)

The content of Chronicles will be about me, of course. The projects that I have attended (that sounds cool), the solo ones and collaborations, will all be released here with explanations and the open codes. The questions "so what?" and "what are the goods of this?" can be answered poorly like this: my superb(!) abilities will be shown to computer engineering's public opinion and the students that will take the corresponding courses will be able to use my codes illegaly! Ain't it fantastic? (No?:)

Moreover, I intend to put some tutorial pages when time and space continuum will give birth to days with more than 24 hours. Also the information about the courses I have taken and news about my precious, having slave-students department will be added.

Ladies and gentlemen, my future bosses, welcome to my humble blog. I am A. Erman Kulunyar, a no-ordinary computer engineer candidate. I am fun, multi social, talented in computer engineering and my c-gpa is not high.


-Kendi ülkemde bile Türkçe ağırlıklı bir site hazırlayamadığım için, yazdığım her İngilizce kelime başına utanıyorum. Üstelik Türkçe'm İnzgilice'mden iyi(!).

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Diğer siteler A. Erman Kulunyar's Workstation Chronicles için neler dedi? Bizim site kadar iyi! Her gün mutlaka bir doz Workstation okuyorum.

-hü Şok! Chronicles açıldı! Çıplak resimler için tıklayınız.

-bill (gates): oh my god!

-cse yeditepe: Bundan akademik bir site bulamazsınız!

-kasvetkale: Bizim siteden daha hüzünlü :(

-yıldırım demirören: Chronicles masaya yumruğunu vurdu.