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Workstation Chronicles is a gigantic interactive cv where you can see&download the works and projects. And we have a secret doorway that leads to a very funny place.
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May the force be with you.
Kısacası ben, büyük, resimli ve interaktif bir cv diyorum. Hoşgeldiniz.
Workstation Chronicles is a gigantic interactive cv where you can see&download the works and projects. And we have a secret doorway that leads to a very funny place.
For further details click here.
May the force be with you.
26 Ocak 2008 Cumartesi
Operating Systems Design -CSE 331 Project
Aim is to recompile Linux kernel, add new system calls, and change the current scheduler to fair share scheduler. Torturing students is also included very well.
The opsys project has three phases and plus a prework to the project.
Preliminary to the project:
Getting familiar to the kernel recompilation and adding our first system call. This system call was a simple adder function getting two numbers as parameters and adding them. A small step for the project, a big step for us. Hehe.
Phase 1:
Phase 1 is mainly based on a specific system call and a C program that calls this system call. System call's function is to change the system clock as the user desires. The C program is the interface between the user and the system call.
Phase 2:
Things get more complicated here. Phase 2 consists of several system calls.
The main purpose is to re-write the condition variables and their operations as system calls. These operations are initializing the condition variable, destroying it, wait, signal and broadcast signal. To code these system calls, mutex lock acquire and release are written again as system calls.
Phase 3:
Phase 3 is based on changing the Linux's default process scheduler to fair share scheduler. Detailed information about fair share scheduling can be found on the net.
Our group come up with a proper algorithm (actually all the lab. came up with this algorithm :)) but the results were not as we expected. So we couldn't achieve the fair sharing, yet the phase 3 is downloadable.
One of the many restless nights that we spend in the labs:
To download the project
(Note: Phase 3 is lost. It will be included when it's found.)
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-yıldırım demirören: Chronicles masaya yumruğunu vurdu. Bizim site kadar iyi! Her gün mutlaka bir doz Workstation okuyorum.
-hü Şok! Chronicles açıldı! Çıplak resimler için tıklayınız.
-bill (gates): oh my god!
-cse yeditepe: Bundan akademik bir site bulamazsınız!
-kasvetkale: Bizim siteden daha hüzünlü :(
-yıldırım demirören: Chronicles masaya yumruğunu vurdu.
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