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Workstation Chronicles okul projelerinin, ödevlerinin toplanıp sunulduğu, tutorial'ımsı örneklerin bulunduğu, absürtlüklerin de barındığı kişisel bir blog/sitedir.
Kısacası ben, büyük, resimli ve interaktif bir cv diyorum. Hoşgeldiniz.
Workstation Chronicles is a gigantic interactive cv where you can see&download the works and projects. And we have a secret doorway that leads to a very funny place.
For further details click here.
May the force be with you.
Kısacası ben, büyük, resimli ve interaktif bir cv diyorum. Hoşgeldiniz.
Workstation Chronicles is a gigantic interactive cv where you can see&download the works and projects. And we have a secret doorway that leads to a very funny place.
For further details click here.
May the force be with you.
30 Ocak 2008 Çarşamba
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence -CSE 462 Works
AI works are generally focused on AI. (hehe)
We had a glimpse on AI, what kind of aproaches are used and how it can be programmed in the games. Along with Computer Graphics, this course was a good way towards the game programming.
Here I give a simple chasing game-like. We have 4 polices (A, B, C, D) and 1 thief (Y) on a 8*8 game board. Every creature has 1 turn and the purpose is as the thief escapes, polices chase him. Thief moves randomly or reads the movements from a txt file. Polices have their own AI. They move generously stupid.
Some details:
-Used C.
-Depth first search is used. For the police that has the turn, a search tree is created to a specified depth level and due to the evolution function, best state is chosen. Then the first move that leads to that best state is taken as that turn's move. Search tree is destroyed to be reconstructed for another police for another turn.
-Game board is implemented flexible. It can be rearranged, for example obstacles can be put or OpenGL functions can be easily implemented to show it graphically.
-More details in report.txt
To download
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-bill (gates): oh my god!
-cse yeditepe: Bundan akademik bir site bulamazsınız!
-kasvetkale: Bizim siteden daha hüzünlü :(
-yıldırım demirören: Chronicles masaya yumruğunu vurdu. Bizim site kadar iyi! Her gün mutlaka bir doz Workstation okuyorum.
-hü Şok! Chronicles açıldı! Çıplak resimler için tıklayınız.
-bill (gates): oh my god!
-cse yeditepe: Bundan akademik bir site bulamazsınız!
-kasvetkale: Bizim siteden daha hüzünlü :(
-yıldırım demirören: Chronicles masaya yumruğunu vurdu.
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